Well... today I've had my haemotology paper (mid sem) n it was like soo damn hard... i was like answering d answer with zero knowledge bout the paper at all (huhuhu.... spnjg menjawab exam... kept menggeleng my head coz x reti jawab)
hurmm.. huhuhuhu.. got d last paper on dis saturday, 4-6 pm, neuropharmacology paper..
a hell lotta drug's name to be memorised... hehehe.. at least.. have all d songs created by my classmates bout d drugs...
n yattta!!! going to the youthfest '09 dis sunday with Buddy n Ayin.. cant wait!
(hahaha... x sdr diri keje berlamabk2 kene buat n x siap)
hehe.. actually dis sunday is my dear lil bro's Bday.. (Iyman's Bday). He's going to be 10.. :( can't be there... happy birthday Iyman! (ayin- my sis told me dat he asked them to booked the Ben 10 cake from secret recipe) hehehe..
sorry for d lame post... hehehe... in d midst of exam.. so nothing interesting happen..
buddy's nag ko letak aku nye blog nieda??!!!
hehe.. sorry laa eh buddy.. just tryin' to make it sounds interesting.. OK.. I'l change it
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