Saturday, January 22, 2011

The World That They Live In

 "I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess"

wish me d best of luck for my 2nd year MBBS final exam!! :)

Sonnet I

That thereby beauty's rose might never die,
But as the riper should by time decease,
His tender heir might bear his memory:
But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,
Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,
Making a famine where abundance lies,
Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel:
Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament,
And only herald to the gaudy spring,
Within thine own bud buriest thy content,
And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding:
   Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
   To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.


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