Saturday, August 21, 2010

2 different tears

no.. dis is not a post about wonder girls.. ;p
but in their songs.. they do mention about 2 different tears..
tears of joy.. n tears of pain..
how I wish i would only shed tears of joy in my life..
till now..
I think i've shed more tears of pain.. then tears of joy..
forgive me for being such a failure n lame-o.. ;p (hahahaha)

btw.. dis 2-3 days..
i've been listening to fly fm.. (online streaming)
n it makes me soooo wanna go back in time n njoy my life in Shah Alam...
if only I could turn back time..

btw.. its August!!
d month of merdeka anniversary for my beloved Malaysia!!
well.. to all rakyat malaysia..
start appreciating n be really grateful to Malaysia..
u will be really grateful once u've gone n live in other countries..
believe me..
there's no other countries dat can be as good as malaysia..


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