Yeay…… finally.. twilight are coming to Malaysia cinema… hehehe.. so excited… gonna watch it tonight with a whole lotta friends… hehehe… Edward Cullen…. Hurmm… luRveSss.. Vampire Romance…. Yummm..
I didn't meant to brag… but I think I'm d one who brought d Twilight fever to all of my friends here… off course.. thanx to Ayin I knew about dis book.. n then… I was like sooooo addicted and hooked to d twilight saga.. n then.. by the time I finished d 1st book… I ordered d rest of d series online.. n finished reading the three other books within 2 weeks.. Even though… my exam was just around d corner at dat time… hehehe…. Cannot tahan until after exam lorr… J
OK…. Today… there's a haematology lab session.. n we were supposed to do a venipuncture (drawing blood from vein)… OMG.... I though I was brave… but then when I saw d lab technician did it to one of my classmates… I was like… OMG!OMG!
Hahahaha…. Silly me… how d hell am I suppose to be furthering in medicine if I act like dis… for god's sake.. its only drawing blood from healthy peeps… seriously… silly Nieda J
Then.. at noon… me n Khafy and Nad went to see Miss Faizah… our supervisor n ask her bout our RP (research project)… then we ask if our titles are suitable… she said it was OK.. but then… when we went to ask Miss Halijah bout it (she's kinda like RP coordinator) she said the title is not rare… meaning there's too many RP related to it… (mine was Thalassaemia and Khafy's was sumthing bout blood disorder)… n THANX to NAD… we've kinda have title for ourselves.. n to make it better… we can do it together.. just different parameter… yeay us! [seriously… Nad.. u r a life saver… luv ya]
OK… tonight's our GIRLS NIGHT OUT [hahaha… except for Apai… Analhuda's BF…]… seriously… cant wait to watch twilight.. well.. its kinda chick flick… n boys might hate it… but hey… I'M a GIRL….. hehehe
~MisZNiedA CulleN~
Hehehehe… I even use the twilight font… hehehe.. pls dunt hate me for d name… J
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