As usual..
as I was procrastinating before I put my ass on d chair in fornt of my study desk..
(i have a test on wut-ever-com-med dis tuesday)
I started youtubing..
and I stumbled across some of The GazettE's vids..
and as expected..
my fangirling switch has been turned on by the oh-so-smexy-ruki-uruha-aoi-kai-reita rocking one hella stage donning d oh-so-cool-kimono
n soo..
there goes my studying..
frankly speaking..
I did do some studying..
but its not on d vast subject called medicine..
i just prefer to study bout the GazettE more.. ;p
n so.. here's their show from last year's PSC carnival..
ohh.. how I wish I could be there..